Tag Archives: Cork Wine Bar

No more whining about wine

12 Aug

This is the first second drink of wine I’ve had in 6 years.  Actually, I have had wine over the years but it was always followed by either serious indigestion or intense stomach pains.  So to correct myself, this is the first second glass of wine that didn’t make me ill.

Two weeks ago, I decided it was time to cut down on my acid-reducing meds in an effort to eventually wean off of them completely.  To give you a brief history, I’ve gone from Prilosec (evil) to 40 mg of Pepcid Complete (less evil) to 20 mg this past March and am now sailing on a cool 10 mg a day.

After my excitement of realizing that I can tolerate wine during a beach weekend with my girlfriends, I headed back to DC and immediately to Cork Wine Bar .  The food doesn’t blow my skirt up, but it’s certainly good.  Honestly, I could have been served dog poo because I was there for the wine and wine I had.

See the glistening glass in my hand above? I’d like to think that star represents my overwhelming delight in this new drink option.  More likely though, it’s just the glare from the flash on my boyfriends Droid.